Youtube summary
in progress
Hi Changho Hwang! The latest updates are live on the Play Store. Please update the app and give it a try!
Changho Hwang
gaajar I think it's coming out well now. I think it's fixed.
Changho Hwang: Great to hear!
Changho Hwang, we've completed the updates, and the release is coming soon!
in progress
Changho Hwang
It's not fixed at all...?
It seems that language auto doesn't work on Android. si=GtuOL_M05hl-d1xb
Changho Hwang: Actually, AUTO depends on the default language in which Merlin fetches the subtitles from the YouTube video. The video fetches English subtitles by default, therefore AUTO leads to an English summary.
Would you like if the YT Summariser on the mobile app summarises according to the language of your device/app or adapts according to the language of the video?
I am asking this question because different users may have different perspectives on this question. We'd love to know your opinion -- thanks!
In the meantime, I'd request you to make do by changing the language to Korean whenever you generate the summary. We'll kick off the process of building a fix, when we get your opinion on this.
Changho Hwang
Merlin, but I also tested the language of the application by changing it to English and Korean. Even if I do it in Korean, Korean comes out. English comes out partially.
Hey Changho Hwang, at the moment, when summarizing this video we are able to get completely in korean. Can you please check back?
Changho Hwang
SiddhaSiddhartha I asked about Korean and English coming out together on the Android application, and I think the screenshot you gave me is a PC.
Changho HwangYeah, its PC but the backend is the same for both.
Changho Hwang
SSiddharthaonly comes out in English.
Even though I spoke Korean.
Changho Hwang We've understood the problem, and will push a fix very soon. We're sorry for the inconvenience, and grateful for your patience.
Changho Hwang si=EmsvOnwDND31zJTu
But I've tried a few, but they're all like that. Korean and English come out together. I did it on the mobile (Android) application.
Hey Changho Hwang! we have updated our backend a bit to fix this issue, please try to generate now, in case english comes, please try regenerating. That will trigger a new summary creation and it should then respect the language.
Hi Changho Hwang, can you attach the video link here? Thanks!